Sunday, March 24, 2013

Look at that...

Average sized girl...

Where did she come from? And why does my brain still tell me that I am huge? That outfit is adorable:) I have great taste.

 (I'm not sure I love the boots with the dres... hindsight.)

The wedding was a great time!


  1. You are beautiful-inside and out!
    My prediction is the next wedding you celebrate will be your own!!!

  2. You do have great taste!!!!!! And you are beautiful!! Boots and dress....hindsight is always 20/20. Love this positive post!

  3. Tricky ol' brain! You do look just like a normal average sized woman :) a woman with great style!!! I just love your hair and glasses!

  4. You look wonderful, your brain will catch up one day x

  5. How fun!! I am in a wedding on May 4th and I can't wait =)

  6. You look wonderful! I think it's hard for the mental to catch up with the physical but as long as you can divert any negative thoughts that might pop up and feed your self-conscious wonderful, uplifting thoughts about yourself, you'll see feel like the woman we can all see. :D Congrats on all you've accomplished.
