Thursday, March 22, 2012

10 things Thursday

1. I've been pretty focused on the "-100" number... I just can't seem to get there.

2. I'm jealous of Ronnie and Vanessa for their "maintence" journey! Congrats Honey Badger.

3. I'm 'teacher of the year' for my school. I'm pretty excited about it.

4. Got a fill on Monday. Feeling good:)

5. I'm not doing as well on my food/water journaling. Just slowed down? I'm still losing, but I want to still keep track of everything.

6. I've almost completely cut out snacks. I really think this has helped with the last 10 pounds
7. I'm "OFFICIALLY" signed up for the Bryce Canyon 1/2 marathon... gotta get my run on.

8. Pinterest.... I'm new, but I love it.

9. I want to know how to better fuel mmy body for workouts, but still lose weight.

10. I need more strength training in my routine.


  1. I'm jealous that you're getting ready to run a half marathon! :)

    You're gonna do great!

  2. Can't wait to cross the finish with you! Can you believe we are doing this?!!

  3. Found your bloggy from LBG!

    And a half marathon!!??!?! Go get it girl!

  4. Teacher of the year! AWESOME girl! You must be SO proud! And you are SOOOOO close to that 100 mark, one day your going to wake up get on the scale and there it will be! You are rocking it and it will come! You aren't even a year into your you realize how awesome you are doing?! You have been an inspiration since I started lurking on the keep kicking butt Dragon Warrior!

  5. Any friend of LBG is a friend of mine - new follower here! 3 weeks post-op, and hoping to look and feel like you in a year!

  6. Found you via LBG!! I feel you on the 100lb mark. I keep bouncing back and forth between 95-98lbs lost. Ugh!!!

  7. Teacher of the Year??? That is AWESOME!

  8. How do I love many ways! you rock! Half Marathon in Bryce Canyon - I've always wanted to go there! Lucky!! Thanks for the shout out! I'll try the no snacking and see what happens - you have inspired me. PS - I have my long run tomorrow - will be thinking of you while I'm plodding along - gonna do 9...eeek!

  9. Hi there!m found you through LBG. Looking forward to getting to know you.

  10. Wow! Just found your blog thanks to LBG! Ditto to what everyone else said! You are doing great one year out!!! Way to go on Teacher of the Year!!! That is quite the honor!

    Happy weekend!

  11. Congrats on teach of the year!!! That is amazing! And a half marathon?!? Wow!
