Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Things change...

I kind of thought I was done with NSV's it just kind of seemed like I am living the new "norm" for me and the new stuff just wasn't there anymore.

Guess what? One happened... TODAY!

I've been attending a conference for the past two days. Tomorrow is the last day.
The first day I completely let my boredom get the best of me and I pretty much ATE my way through the day. Some of it premeditated because I took the  stuff crap food with me. The other, well it just happened because the food was there and available.

Last night I identified was was different. I am no longer a "sitter" just sitting around all day is no longer what I WANT, it is hard. I fidget, I wiggle, I doodle, it is just darn near impossible for me to just sit.

Who knew? It used to be one of my favorite activities.

No longer.

I may not be at goal, but I have come so FAR!

Weigh-in today was 166.8 or some such thing. Nothing to get too excited about, but at least it isn't going up! :)

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